Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Faith, Hope and Love

The Laws of Life
You all know by now when I recieve something good, I always try to share.  I received  this gift from my church this past Sunday and I feel it is quite beneficial!  So, without further due, here you are.  
Life can be good and wonderful if you know how to live it.  The problem is most people don't know how to live.  God has given three laws that are designed to ensure we have a balanced and blessed life.  The three laws are Faith, Hope and Love.
* The Law of Faith will give you victory over all of your past hurts and disappointments.    
* The Law of Faith will allow you to receive everything that you need to live well.
* The Law of Faith will give you the victory over all bad habits.  (By faith you can control what you say, eat and drink.) 
* The Law of Faith will give you victory over fear and anxiety. 
*Through the Law of Hope you will expect things to get better in your life.
* Through the Law of Hope your dreams from God can become a reality. 
* Through the Law of Hope you can expect everlasting life.

* Through the Law of Love you will learn to love God with all your being.
* Through the Law of Love you will learn to love yourself.
* Through the Law of Love you will forgive yourself and others.
* It is impossible to be defeated in life if you learn to correctly apply the Laws of Faith, Hope and Love. 

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