Tuesday, March 4, 2014

He must flee!

"So humble yourselves before God.  Resist the devil, and he will flee from you."
James 4:7, New International Version
Flee:  To run or move quickly; rush; speed.  (www.freeonlinedictionary.com)
My heart was heavy this evening.  Something happened earlier today that troubled me, but I knew that wasn't the sole contributor to my heaviness.  "Why am I feeling this way", I asked myself.  Where is this coming from?  God would later shed enlightenment.
During my class, one of my class mates made a statement that almost knocked me out of my chair!  "I am sensing a need for prayer", she stated.  She further admitted she was one who was in need, but also stated she felt there were others in need of prayer. Can you say "called out"?  Prayer was exactly what I was feeling the need of.  Is this lady a prophet, I asked myself.  This was the second thing she had said tonight that pertained to me.  The first was confirmation she had given me about this blog page I have created.  Wow!  God is truly amazing!  I couldn't wait for class to end so that I could prepare my mind and heart to pray with my prayer partner.
As I prayed, I began to cry out to God for all of us who are in need of prayer.  Satan is maliciously attacking God's children, but in the name of Jesus, he has to flee!  Those attacks on us, our loved ones and others who are suffering can go back to hell where they originated from.  God's Word tells us if we humble ourselves before God and resist the devil, he (has) to flee, James 4:7.  We are heirs of God's goodness, including our loved ones.  We don't have to lie down and accept defeat.  Let's boldly stand up and proclaim Victory in Christ Jesus!   
After praying, I immediately felt lighter.  I am thanking and praising God in advance because I know He has heard my cries.  I am anticipating a peaceful sleep because I know all is well!  I encourage you to give your concerns to Christ Jesus, who intercedes to the Father on our behalf, Romans 8:34.  As you read this, I pray the peace of God rests upon you.  May your hearts and minds be at ease.  Trust that God is able to do anything but fail.  I've tried Him and I'm a believer!  Why don't you?      

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