Thursday, March 27, 2014

Time to Shine

"In the same way your light must shine before people, so that they will see the good things you do and praise your Father in heaven".
Matthew 5:16, Good News Translation

Are you pretending to be something you're not?  Are you trying to be what everybody else wants you to be, living up to their expectations and following their dreams for your life?
This Daily Devotional was thought provoking and propelled me to self-reflect.  As I meditated on this question, I had to be honest with myself.  I would have to say there was a period in my life when I tried to be everything that everyone expected me to be.  Talking about tossed to and fro, imagine the dizziness of trying to please everyone.  Being a light and shining was no where near the reality of how I was living.   
I particularly strived to be the daughter I thought my father wanted me to be because I so much desired to please him.  I desperately wanted his approval.  I felt that living up to his expectations would cause him to really love me.  What I failed to realize was that he already loved me.  He just wanted me to be the best I could be!  He wanted me to live up to my potential.  However, as I reflect back , I am able to see those times when I allowed my true identity to be compromised.
I would have to say that I also tried to live up to my perceived expectations of other family members and friends.  There were times when I lived a certain way or did certain things in hopes of acceptance.  Even though there were some things I felt uncomfortable doing, I did other things, trying to block my conscious of the things I was uncomfortable doing.  Today I realize all along I should have been more concerned with desiring to be accepted and approved by God!   
Today as I embrace Tywanna Renee, I vow to live my own life, the one that God leads me to live.  Lord knows, I realize my experiences are unique from others, which makes me a unique person intended to travel my own God-designed path.  Please keep me in your thoughts and pray for me as I continue to travel my road less traveled. 
I encourage those of you who have been living your life for everyone else other than yourself to begin today living the life God has intended for you to live, the one He designed for you.  If you are unsure of how that life looks like, what it consists of; pray and ask God to show you.  Sit back and feel how tiresome and uncomfortable it has been trying to please everyone.  I know I got to the point where I had to evaluate everything that was contributing to my illness and hindrance of being who God intended me to be and living the prosperous life He had planned just for me!  Wouldn't you like to be free, free to blossom into who the fruitful child of God you are called to be.  Wouldn't you like to lay down at night in true peace and quietness knowing you have lived one more day fulfilling or working towards having a date with your destiny? 
It's time for you to shine!  Your light has been dimmed way too long by being behind the shadows of others.  Let's stop downplaying all of the skills and talent you have been blessed with.  I encourage you to make the first step today.  I know that step is the one perceived the most difficult to take.  However, I can promise you once you do, you find other steps becoming easier and easier.  Have faith and begin embracing your time to shine.  Remember faith means "I go first", so step out on it.  We are waiting to see your light.  We are waiting to be blessed by your light.  Dust off all the dirt and shine!  Sparkle like you never have before; shine! 

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