Tuesday, January 21, 2014

I Speak Life

"Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof".
Proverbs 18:21
Speak:  To convey thoughts, opinions or emotions orally.  (www.thefreedictionary/speak.com)
Life:  The physical, mental, and spiritual experiences that constitutes existence.  (www.thefreedictionary/life.com)
Something happened one day last week that clearly illustrated this proverb.  My God sister had just gotten her hair styled.  The style was a new one for her and she was trying to adapt to it.  When we arrived home, she asked me to take some pictures of her.  I proceeded to take pictures of her and I thought they were nice.  However, my God sister began to criticize them and point out what she felt were her flaws.  Finally, I told her she was beautiful and suggested she stop speaking negative things about herself.  She considered my feedback and replied, "I am beautifully created in God's image".  As soon as she made that affirmation, a glowing smile graced her eyes and face.  Her warming dimples were also accentuated.  I quickly snapped some of what turned out to be the most beautiful pictures I've seen of her lately.  Although the pictures I had taken of her prior were nice, the pictures she took after affirming her beauty far more displayed her true beauty.
As I embrace all of me, I too am seeing how powerful my words are in my own life.  I have gotten into the habit of encouraging myself, as well as others, daily!  Because I have chosen to live, I want to speak those things that will produce life.  I was in the store last week and the cashier complimented me by exclaiming, "O my, look at you!  I love your style, your complete look".  As I thanked her, I also replied, "I am so happy"!  She then told me that she could see it and wished me continued happiness. 
With so much in the world today to tear us down, it is imperative for us to be mindful of what we are speaking into existence.  We have the power to speak life or death. Which will you choose to speak?           

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