Thursday, January 2, 2014

The Positive In the Negative

The Positive In the Negative

"And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose".  Romans 8:28

I am the first born of three sisters and one brother.  Being the eldest, my father began instilling leadership and motivational principles in me at a very young age.  Academic wise, I was a high achiever.  However; not really desiring the responsibility of being a leader, I often times unconsciously rebelled and found myself in adverse situations.  One day I complained to my father about an uncomfortable position I found myself in.  Already acclimated to the feelings of success,  I was very down and I criticized myself.   Attempting to encourage me, he stated to me "In every negative situation, there is something positive"!   
Thinking with the mind of a child, I thought that was one of the dumbest things my father could ever say; especially while trying to encourage someone.  Of course I dared not to say that to him!.  So, out of love, respect and probably fear, I did the next best thing I knew how to do.  I meditated and mediated on this profound tidbit of wisdom, trying to make sense of it.   It would take my older adult years for me to understand the meaning of his saying.
Romans 8:28 expresses the same thought, slightly different.  "And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose".  This particular scripture has been the foundation of my faith.  Throughout my life;  the good, the bad, the ugly, this scripture has encouraged and motivated me to see a glimpse of light in the darkest of situations. 
It is through God's Word, that I'm here today to share with you as I embrace the Godly woman Christ is perfecting.  As I open this door to my life, I pray that you are encouraged and inspired.   If just one of you are blessed through my trials and triumphs, none of my suffering has been in vain.  I invite you in; welcome to the embracing of God's child!      


  1. To God be the glory!! I love u sis!

  2. ive truly enjoyed u i will use ithis as part of my daily devotions to uplift me from and out of a depressed state that i have allowed to take controll of my life for three yrs caused from hurt, trials, tribulations, even to being kick out of my home! Most dsys i dont even want to get out of bed but as i read about your trials and struggles it assures me that with God all things are possible!

  3. I will be keeping you in my prayers. I know all to well about depression. Thankfully, I also know about the power of God. And, you are right. Nothing is impossible for our Almighty Father. I look forward to hearing your stories as well, for we know, iron sharpenth iron! I love you; stay encouraged.
